
All in all, brilliant idea and for a beta I'd say it's pretty solid. A few points I'd like to mention.

Issue One:

Not sure what to categorize this as (incompatability with another program, probably), but hopefully something can be done about it.

I have a dual monitor machine with different resolutions on the monitors. Thus I have separate wallpapers on each monitor, and different settings (center on one, stretch on the other).

Fences overrides this when it  starts up and uses the primary wallpaper and wallpaper setting on the secondary monitor as well. I use UltraMon for the wallpaper setup.

Issue Two:

This may have been mentioned, but being able to configure fences to auto-add files of certain extensions to specific Fences would be real nice. So that when I add a new .txt to desktop, it automatically gets moved to the Fence I've configured to handle .txt files.

on Nov 01, 2008



I have noticed this behaviour too, when using dual monitor with different wallpaper on each. I have the same monitor two times,  with the same resolution of 1280x1024. I have a Nvidia grpahics card and used the Nvidia nview manager to allow separate wallpapers for each monitor.

As soon as Fences starts with windows, the secondary wallpaper gets replaced by the primary one.

Shutting down windows restores this (the few seconds between Shutdown dialog and ultimatively ending windows).

It would be nice if Fences could also handle the two different wallpapers - guess this makes this a feature request


Anyway, while still in Beta, Fences is a really cool program that helps me dealing with my Desktop which was a bloody mess all before



on Jan 03, 2009

Same issue here.. (Fences v0.95.851)


Dual montitor setup, with one large background image set to "tile", to span both monitors. Fences seems to ignore the "tile" setting and displays the image repeated on both monitors.


Apart from this issue, I'm loving Fences! Exactly what I've been looking for. I use it in conjunction with ObjectDock Pro - the cleanest my desktop's been in years!!



on Jan 03, 2009

I was actually going to post a topic about this a few days ago, just didn't get around to logging in until today, and I find out that someone else has already posted a topic about it!  Anyway, I had a post all written up, so I figure this is as good a place as any to post it:


Fences seems to want to reset the image on the second screen so that it starts in the upper left corner of the image rather than continuing from the main screen as it normally does when the background is set to tile.

Dual monitor wallpapers normally depend on the setting of the background to "tile" in order to flow properly from one screen onto the other.  The only exception I have seen of this is nVidia's "span" mode which stretches your desktop (including the taskbar and background image) onto your second monitor.  Here's a screenshot I took while using nVidia's desktop span feature.

Anyway, I came across this problem when I was trying to find a way to have a seperate desktop picture on a used LCD that I received and am now using as a second monitor.  (My main monitor is a 19" CRT set at 1280x960 and the LCD is a 15" set at it's native 1024x768.)

The NVIDIA nView Desktop Manager has a feature that allows you to choose a seperate desktop picture for your second screen, but the method it uses is to resize and stitch the two photos together and save it as a seperate image file that it can use as a single desktop image.  It then sets the image to tile so that it will flow onto the other screen.  (The new image ends up as tall as largest resolution of the two screens and as wide as the two screen resolutions put side by side.)  I also tried using another program called DesktopFusion, but it uses the same method so it had the same result.

Here's a snapshot of my desktop with Fences enabled, and one with Fences disabled.  Both use the exact same image file for the background.  As you can see, Fences is causing the position of the second screen's background to be reset.  I'm not sure how deeply this behavior is embedded into Fences, but I certainly hope that it can be resolved.


So there's my post.  Hope it helps!